Thursday, May 2, 2019

Facebook Work-Around

I confess; I've neglected my blog and focused my time and energy on networking our little farm through Facebook. It's been great! I've met so many like-minded breeders, been able to help lots of people with their chicken care questions, and grown our business to reach many customers across the nation. It's been great up until now, I should say. Facebook has banned the sale of EGGS on their platform. Although I seen hundreds if not thousands of others selling eggs. chicks, hens, roosters, bunnies, goats, cows, horses, etc., they have chosen to block me from posted, commenting, or replying to my customers for a few days and warned that if I "do it again" I'll eventually be kicked off all together.

So, until Facebook and I come to some sort of resolution to the restricting the sale of EGGS because they view them as ANIMALS... my posts will be made here and just shared as a link. Please feel free to contact me via Facebook Messenger for more information as needed.

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